- absenteeism
- added value
- admin charge
- admin charges
- appraisal
- appraisals
- artisanal
- Asset
- average cost per unit
- Bankruptcy
- batch production
- bespoke
- board meeting
- Board of directors
- boutique shop
- brand
- brand image
- brand recognition
- Break-even point
- break-even point (BEP)
- budget control
- Buffer Stocks
- business angel
- Business Plan
- capital
- capital expenditure
- capital intensive
- closure
- cloud computing
- Collateral
- Collateral
- collective bargaining
- components
- conciliation and arbitration
- continuity
- contribution margin
- contribution per unit
- cooperative
- copyright
- copyright infringement
- correlation
- correlation
- costs
- critical infrastructure
- Customer loyalty
- Customer Loyalty
- customer loyalty programme
- cybercrime
- cybersecurity
- cyclical variations
- data
- data analytics
- database
- data breach
- data mining
- Data overload
- data security
- debt factoring
- deed of partnership
- defects
- Demand Surge
- demerit good
- depreciation
- descriptive data analytics
- descriptive data analytics
- diagnostic data analytics
- digital taylorism
- direct cost
- diseconomies of scale
- Dismissal
- Disrupted Supply Chains
- disruptive innovation
- Diversification
- diversify
- divestment
- dividends
- dividends
- economic downturn
- Economies of scale
- efficiency
- employee participation
- Entrepreneur
- entrepreneur
- equal partners
- External benefit
- external cost
- external economies of scale
- Externalities (spillover effects)
- extrapolation
- extrapolation
- finance manager
- financing
- first mover advantage
- fixed assets
- fixed cost
- Fixed costs
- foot traffic
- forecasting
- free rider
- Funds
- gearing
- go slow
- green legislation
- horizontal integration
- Income
- incremental innovation
- indirect cost
- induction
- industrial action
- industrial democracy
- information
- Initial public offering
- innovation
- insource
- Intangible
- interdependence
- interest
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Inventory Levels
- investment
- investor
- investors
- job production
- joint venture
- kaizen
- labour turnover
- Lead Times
- lean production
- legal entity
- limited liability
- linear regression
- line of best fit
- liquidity
- Loan
- lockout
- long term bank loan
- Long-term bank loan
- long term liabilities
- margin of safety
- market failure
- market orientated
- market research
- mean
- median
- merit good
- mode
- mortgage
- muda
- non-current
- non governmental organisation
- no strike agreement
- objectives
- operating costs
- outflows
- outsourcing
- Panic Buying
- partnership
- patent
- patent
- performance appraisal
- Performance appraisals
- performance related pay
- personal funds
- personal saving
- predictive data analytics
- prescriptive data analytics
- Primary research
- private benefit
- private cost
- privately held company
- private sector
- Product life cycle
- product life cycle
- product orientated
- prototype
- publicly held company
- qualitative data
- quality assurance
- Quality control
- quality management
- quantitative data
- quantitative data
- Qunatitative data
- raw materials
- recession
- recruitment
- redundancies
- regression line of best fit
- rent
- Reorder Level
- Restocking
- retained profit
- retention
- revenue
- revenue expenditure
- revenue expenditure
- revenue stream
- revenue streams
- risk
- Risk profile
- risk profile
- sale of assets
- scatter diagram
- seasonal variations
- selling price per unit
- shareholder
- shareholders equity
- silent partner
- skill set
- social benefit
- social cost
- social enterprise
- sole trader
- stakeholder
- stakeholders
- start-up-funds
- Stock Control Chart
- stock exchange
- Stockout Crisis
- Stockpiling
- strategic alliance
- strike action
- subsidy
- subsidy
- sunk costs
- supply chain
- Supply Chain Management
- sustainability
- sustainable
- synergy
- target profit
- tax
- threats of redundancies
- time series analysis
- total cost
- total costs
- trade credit
- trademark
- trademark infringement
- trademark infringements
- trade union
- trade union
- trade union representative
- training and development
- unlimited liability
- variable cost
- variable cost per unit
- variable cost per unit
- variable costs
- variable costs per unit
- variable costs per unit
- venture capital
- vertical integration
- virtual reality
- Wastage rate
- workforce planning
- workplace conflict
- work to rule